Friday, December 25, 2009

Jesus is the reason for the season.

I realised today...actually building up to today, how much one changes as we grow up. I never enjoyed Christmas church service growing up as we were not allowed to open gifts until after church. It used to annoy me big time...but for some reason this year has been different.
There have been so many ups and downs this year and to be honest, to me it doesn't really feel like Christmas. A friend asked me on Monday why I thought it didn't feel like Christmas and I honestly don't know why. Is it because this year has taken a lot out of me? It's been a hard year emotionally and mentally...and hard health wise. But GOD is faithful and His mercies are new every morning. My joy has come this Christmas by giving people stuff and not expecting to receive in return. I knew that, since my family bought me a guitar for my birthday and Christmas, that I wouldn't get gifts from the family today (although I did still get a few) but for once my joy came in buying gifts for others.
God gave us the greatest gift that could ever be given. His son Jesus. think that, no matter what anyone else on this earth could give us for Christmas, NOTHING can compare! Isn't that just amazing! Then God loved me, my faults and all...even though I let Him down over and over, He still loves me. Then God gave me for me to use. I think I'm still learning what all those gifts are. And, unfortunately it's taken me up until this week to realise, but God has given me two desires of my heart. The desire to have my own SLR camera so that I can take photos which is one of my passions, and a guitar. There is nothing like playing an instrument, even when you cant play it well, at the end of a hard day. God has also opened my mind to writing. I've been writing a novel for, at least, 8 years that I still haven't finished. But now, my mind is so into writing that I am plotting the sequel from the novel I wrote in November. God has blessed me this year despite all the hard bits....but its all part of His purpose for me, and I'm slowly starting to realise it. I am realising more and more that there is hope for me because God has given me HOPE.
I trust that this Christmas you have also realised or remembered the best gift ever given and that JESUS is the reason for the season!!
All glory to God!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Remembering Andrew, my "muffin man" friend!

Four years ago today, Andrew went to be with the Lord

As the year draws to a close, I realise again how quickly time passes by and how life ticks away with every minute that passes. I also realised how, sometimes, we meet people for a few minutes who we will probably never meet again and that our attitude in those few minutes can make an impact.

Two Sunday's ago, on my way to our evening Church service, I witnessed an accident. A man crossing the road was hit by a car. I stayed at the scene since I had witnessed it and I stood there, watching as the man lay there, not moving for a good ten minutes, unconscious, wondering if he would even make it. You can't help but feel helpless because you know there is nothing you can do. We often wonder why we witness these things, especially when it's something horrible to see and it shakes you up, but I realise now how God helped me to stay calm on the outside and He even brought someone along side me just to encourage me. As I stood on the side of the road, a friend happened to be driving past, saw me and stopped. Her being there for a few minutes and the hug she gave me helped me cope a little more.
I watched how the accident affected the driver and his reaction, and how it had also affected a young man who had also witnessed it. It made me realise that some people live without hope! It's sad! I just hope that somehow, in the few minutes we talked, that I impacted that young man who was there.
My friend Andrew was killed four years ago today (15 December 2005). He was out cycling with his friends when he was hit
by a taxi, so witnessing this accident really hit home for me. I have been thinking about Andrew a lot since that Sunday. I don't think one can ever forget someone who impacted your life!

I don't know why God has brought a lot of things across my path this year. I've had a lot of questions and have really struggled, but I know in all things that God is in control. Everything that happens and everything I see is for a reason. Be it health, death, seeing God's beautiful creation while on holiday or witnessing a serious accident, God has a reason for me to be experiencing it.

As I rememb
er Andrew today, I can't help but remember our rides home from youth group. We would be sitting in the back of Harry and Caron's car and Andrew would usually start:
: Do you know...the muffin man?
Jacky: The muffin man?
Jacky: Yes
, I know the muffin man...who lives on Drewery Lane?
Andrew: Well she's married to the muffin man.
Jacky: The muffin man????
Andrew: The MUFFIN MAN!!!!!!
Jacky: She's married to the muffin man......

Shrek always brings a smile to my face as it reminds me of Andrew. He was truly a great friend!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Avast Ye!

Right, so many of you know that I currently work for TWR. Recently we had a competition at work where people had to design an "elevator speech". It could be done anyway you wanted and we were encouraged to think out the box. So I, who had a very creative mind at the time as I was writing a novel, came up with a cartoon style idea. With the help of my friend, Jarrod, and his "British" accent, we recorded the following. (Please do not ask what accent I am using cause I actually have no clue!)

So anyway, this is just a short blog this time round.
Till next time.... ...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's over!!! The crazy month of November is over!! WOOHOO!! Actually, I was, surprisingly, ahead of the 30 days set out for the Novel writing. I finished my novel at 11pm on the 23rd, after many late nights and some early morning....and ended on a word count just short of 59000. It became very addicting to write. I would say to myself, "Just two paragraphs..." and then two pages later and the time heading towards midnight, I would have to force myself to stop writing and go to bed. I'm currently editing my novel, with the help of my mom (who has now read the novel and says its 'okay') and have made a few changes at some parts and now sit over 59000 words. I am not too sure what I think of my novel, but that's probably because I wrote it. So I'm happy to send you an electronic copy (once I've edited it) for you to read if you are interested, on CONDITION that you give me honest feedback (and that I actually know you...I'm not going to give it out to some random person who stumbled across my blog.)

My sister and I were up until the early hours of this morning icing two birthday cakes. One cake was for work this morning, while the other is for bible study tonight. We also baked a third cake for the family on Sunday. So due to my new craze or addiction or whatever you call it, I wanted to make myself a CSI birthday cake. Originally I had decided to make it for Sunday, for the family get together, but my sister made a good point: "Do you really want your nephews and nieces asking why you have a 'dead' person on your cake?" So it changed and my crime scene cake became my bible study cake. Most of the young adults know about my novel so hopefully the cake doesn't make them worry or get scared and they slowly pull away from me....might be the last time I use my ideas for a cake. So while my sister iced the work cake, I worked my imagination and icing skills (the little I have) and made my crime scene cake. A victim shot on the beach..... =) I had so much fun even if it was after midnight when we finished. I took the pictures with my cell phone, so quality isn't good, but it gives you an idea of my beachfront killing. I'm hoping that after tonight there will be no evidence of a crime scene. After all, it is young adults who will be chowing the cake tonight!

Well it's scary to think that December is here! Soon it's Christmas and New Year!! If you are traveling this festive season, please travel safe. If you are staying home, please have fun. Either way, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas as you remember what Christ did for us and the REAL reason behind Christmas.

I might write another blog before I go on leave....time will tell.
Until next time, blessings all!