Monday, March 19, 2012


Sometime life seems to get away from us, at least for me, and I find it hard to be "happy" because things are not going "right" even though, in some way, things are.
Last week was a rough week. Stiff neck, sore shoulders and killer headaches all week make it a long rough week, specially when it feels like other things are also all against you. I had decided, about a month or two ago to try something: every night list things I'm thankful for.
It took off well, and then, as with some things with me, I forget to do it or it dies....but over the past few weeks I've been determined to thank God for things....even last week, when things were tough, I had lots to be thankful for...
*Coffee and a good chat with a good friend Friday night
*Painkillers (yes, I was extremely thankful to whoever discovered them - specially a 'migraine fix')
*Family who love me
*Walks with a friend in lunch breaks
*A sister who spoils me
*A quietish weekend
*A big holiday in a few months
*Coworkers who can make you laugh
.....Just to name a few.
It will be something I will continue to try and do daily - and honestly, sometimes it surprises me after a BAD day how many GOOD things one can actually mention in thanks....

......GIVE it a try too!

Copyright © J Robus