Sunday, January 1, 2012


So its hour and ten minutes into it for me. I sit here in the dark with dear Jark, who has been my 'venting ear' of late, listening to the fireworks/firecrackers outside. I'm not sure why, but then maybe deep down I do, but this “festive season” hasn't felt very festive to me. Honestly, my attitude towards the end of December and more specifically the New Year has been “so what”? It's another day. Another year where you hope things will happen....blah blah blah....
I sometimes wonder if its just me who always scrutinises the past year and thinks of what a failure I've been...or its been....even though I also know, deep down inside, that that is not necessarily true. Am I just hard on myself that every year that passes I think of things I should have done better or wonder what I did wrong that things didn't go to 'plan'? Do I set to higher standards for myself and then get annoyed when things don't go to 'plan'? Or is it because I feel I hope and then feel prayers don't get answered? Anyway, I don't know the point of this blog...probably cause I'm tired and I'm scrutinising life again....
 It's everything you wanted, it's everything you don't
 It's one door swinging open and one door swinging closed
 Some prayers find an answer
 Some prayers never know
 We're holding on and letting go

This is Jark watching House MD

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