Friday, May 7, 2010

FAITH: Greater worth than gold!

So I haven’t blogged for a while…mainly because I’m so consumed in frustration and anger that I haven’t really known what to write about and when I start writing I end up being annoyed. Maybe today will be different…so far so good! I know being consumed by anger is bad and I try hard not to be, but there are things that just push one over the edge at times and it’s hard to pull yourself back up onto the safe, flat, "let go of anger" zone/ground.

I also know anger is a strong word so perhaps I should say that it is more frustration that has been affecting my life the past few weeks….okay so the past few months. When you wait for something to happen, like I’ve been waiting for 12 weeks now, and it doesn’t “work out how you want it too”, it’s hard not to get frustrated and then angry with the people involved especially when it messes up with one’s emotional and mental state. (Patience and God's timing comes in here too)

I was watching House the other day, (yes I was taking a break from CSI New York for once) and of all programmes, one of the characters in House quoted a verse that hit me and I naturally went backwards in the programme to get the reference for the verse. It’s been one that is sticking to my mind and one I try bring up on the days I feel I could do some serious damage to these people who are causing me this frustration and ultimately, anger.

1 Peter 1:6 & 7 says: “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a LITTLE WHILE you may have had to suffer grief in all KINDS of TRIALS. These have come so that your faith – OF GREATER WORTH than gold, which perishes even though REFINED by FIRE – may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

WOW…I had read this verse before but I guess I had never read it in a time when I was really struggling with a trial. I didn’t like the fact that it says “kinds of trials” cause at that time I was only going through one and didn't want more….but the best part that really hit me and I’m sure I must have misread this verse before, is that my faith in my God is of greater worth than gold!! Woohoooooo for that!!!

My friend Jeanne in the States has given me some good laughs over the years and last week, after complaining about a “mountain”, joked with me that I should have faith as small as a mustard seed to move mountains. In our joking back and forth about moving mountains (and weather), the reality has came through, loud and clear, that I have, unfortunately, been lacking faith in my God who has always proven Himself faithful to me.

I guess by writing this, and understanding and admitting where I stand right now, I want to encourage myself, but more importantly I want to encourage those of you out there who are also struggling with life right now, especially if you think your faith in God is low. Keep on keeping on and keep the faith….it’s worth more than gold!

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