Thursday, April 14, 2011


Not everything is doom and gloom in the land of Jacky...only some....but with the voices in my head, life can be entertaining...if not irritating when they don't shut up in the early hours of the morning with their ideas for the next novel that I'm already working on....but they do come up with some ideas.

I was walking around the shops the other day, looking for vanilla essence as I was having a craving for vanilla. So now my plain coffee has turned into vanilla and plain yogurt is now vanilla too. I have these odd days in my always varies between vanilla and cinnamon, my two favorite flavors.

So anyway, I was standing there, lost in some thought, with a bottle of vanilla essence in my hand when my eyes suddenly noticed "Brandy Essence". WOW did the voices in my head wake up.

    Voice 1: "Brandy essence???"
    Voice 2: "Oooh we could have a lot of fun with that!!"
    Voice 3: "I already have an IDEA!!"
    Voice 1: "I get a bit worried with your ideas."
    Voice 3: "You'll like this one though."
    Voice 2: "Really, that's what you said about the last one."
    Voice 3: "Hush you!"
    Voice 1: "So what is this 'great' idea that you have?"
    Voice 3: "We sneak some brandy essence into a pot of brewing coffee at the office!"
    Voice 2: *snorts*
    Voice 1: "It will make folks wonder what type of coffee it is."
    Voice 3: "Yea, they'll all be sniffing the air very suspiciously."
    Voice 2: "Or they'll all be standing in line hoping to get some!"
    Voice 3: *snorts* "Yea I didn't think of that."
    Voice 2: "I think its one of your best ideas yet."
    Voice 3: "See! I'm not THAT bad."
    Voice 1: *snorts*
    Voice 3: "And what was that snort for??"
    Voice 1: "Nothing... ...just ummm, clearing something in my throat." *clears throat*
    Voice 2: "So do we go with it?"
    Voice 3: "We're too late. She's tired of our discussion and is walking on to find the next item on her list."
    Voice 1: "Which is?"
    Voice 2: "Pronutro."
    Voice 3: "Really??? Is she back into that now?"
    Voice 2: "I just think she's tired of us complaining that we're hungry and wants something more filling to keep us quiet."
    Voice 1: "I think she's tired of YOUR voice always complaining that YOU'RE hungry."
    Voice 3: *snorts*

Anyway...let me just put you all at ease and state that I am normal...sometimes....but these conversations generally generate themselves out of boredom or to lighten my mood....but this was an idea that flowed through my mind when I saw brandy essence.

I saw a quote the other day, and perhaps this will explain the voices:
WRITERS BLOCK: When your imaginary friends wont talk to you.
So you see, my voices are totally normal....they help me write! :o)

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