Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alone.. ..yet not

I think all single people at some point feel down about being single. The past few months have been harder for me as a single person than any other time. It's hard to always be happy for your friends who are getting engaged, married or having children when it is something that you really want. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for them, it just makes singleness a lot harder for me.  It's hard sometimes to wait. Even though I know God's timing is everything, it's still hard to wait.

This is just something I I feel, specially these days:

O Lord, help me to have the strength to wait,
to wait on You and Your right time.
O Lord, help me to have the patience I need,
patience when I really do not understand why.
Be near to me Lord as I struggle with singleness,
when I feel alone, please be near to me Lord.
Do not forget about me when I am angry or feeling down,
be near to me Lord, comfort me the way only You can.
My heart aches as it longs for that which it does not have,
my mind can not understand why there is a void.
My thoughts make me wonder if I've done something wrong,
Lord, help me on those days to know that You are there.
Lord, help me not to be polluted by the world,
to not feel the pressure that it seems to place on me.
Help me to focus on you on those difficult days,
to remember Your promise to me.
Hear my cry Lord, let me find comfort in You,
when the days are hard, help me to have that peace from You.
Thank you Lord for loving me for who I am,
despite my anger, my thoughts, my sins.


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