Monday, August 2, 2010


So yeah, the soccer world cup has come and gone...the final wasnt the result I was hoping for but some things just dont work out the way we hope them too.

I've been thinking about what to write with all the stuff happening in life at the moment....although it's actually not THAT much but for me it is. The past few weeks have been rough and emotional. Some of you may know, so of you not, but I had surgery close on three weeks ago. It has been a hard emotional ride because of things leading up to the whole surgery. Recovery has been frustrating, it will take anything between 6 and 8 weeks...and I'm already frustrated with it all and I'm not even half way.

But I think the main reason for writing this blog, which I hadn't actually planned to do, was because I've realised through this how important friends are. I've realised in life, that some friends will let you down when you dont expect them too, and other friends arrive and show encouragement and care when you dont expect it.

I have an amazing group of friends at TWR who have gone the extra length to encourage me and stand by me. It's been an extreme blessing for me to realise how priveledged I am to have them and to be able to call them my friends. They each contribute differently and in various ways.

So this blog is for you guys who I'm glad to have as my friends. You know who you are. You guys totally ROCK!!


Debbie Robus said...

Hi, Jacky! Greetings from another "Robus" halfway around the world in the state of Arkansas, USA! My husband has a Google alert set up to advise him of anything posted to the Internet about Robus, and he was notified of your blog yesterday.

My husband's family originated in the Netherlands, under the surname Roubus - "Americanized" to Robus when his great-grandparents emigrated here. We're wondering about your family's origins and whether Robus is a derivation of another spelling for you, also?

I was so interested in your blog and your work for TWR. I write daily devotionals for a blog I call "Aunt Deb's Attic" and thought you might like to know it exists. The URL is

Today, another alert popped up for a blog for Jacqui Robus - also a resident of South Africa! We were amazed to find blogs for two SA women with the same surname and variations of the same first name! The Internet has made our world much smaller!

Have a blessed day. We look forward to reading your blog.

Jarrod said...

Thank you Jacky we appreciate you appreciating us, but i think we appreciate you the most. Or i do at least. because your always someone i can come to for advice and im someone WHO ALWAYS needs advice. Thank you from your Twr friends.

I am me... said...

Hi Debbie. Greetings from Johannesburg. Wow, another Robus!

Our family originated from England and as far as I know has always been Robus. We have a family creed on our wall and I do know that Roubus is also on there, but our side comes from England. The internet sure does make the world smaller!

Thanks for the comment, hope you enjoy the blogs!
Have a great week. Blessings.

I am me... said...

Jarrod my friend, its more than a pleasure to be available to give you advice as some of the things you ask me make me think too. It's a good way to learn lessons in life I guess. ;o)

Appreciate your friendship bru! You're like the little bro I dont give me back my coffee!!! :::sniggers::

Ek dink van nou aan moet jy in Afrikaans skryf sodat jy kan jou Afrikaans verbeter! Ek dink ek moet ook! :o)